
If anything goes wrong, remember to check the Script Console (Scripts > Manage > Console). Pick your script on the left to view its output. Some errors are also logged to the iTerm2 App history in the script console if they cannot be tied to a running script.

If a script fails immediately saying something about a 401 error, that means permission was denied. Check Prefs > General > Magic > Permissions and verify that the script is not denied permission. The script console should also provide more information about why it was denied.

Use print statements to write to the console. This is an essential technique for debugging script issues.

If a session title provider is not registered, the title will show an ellipsis: .

If a status bar provider is not registered or has some other problem (such as an exception), it will show a ladybug: 🐞. You can click on the ladybug to get more details about the error.

Always catch exceptions in an async task. One of Python’s rough edges is that these exceptions are silently swallowed and you will pull your hair out trying to understand what’s wrong.

Take care to mark references optional by suffixing them with a ? when they might not exist, as is the case for user.update_my_title_provider? in the last example in Hooks.

If you get a runtime error, make sure you have the most recent version of the Python runtime. Select Scripts > Manage > Check for updated runtime to update it.

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