Python API Introduction

The iTerm2 Python API is a replacement for the AppleScript API that preceded it. It offers a more powerful set of APIs that give the script writer a great deal of control.

Scripts generally take one of two forms:

  • “Simple” scripts that perform a series of actions, such as creating windows, and then terminate.

  • “Long-running daemons” that stay running indefinitely while observing notifications or performing some action periodically.

Creating a New Script

iTerm2 provides a convenient user interface for creating a new script. Select Scripts > New Python Script. You’ll then be prompted to decide if you want a “basic” script or one with a “full environment”:


Don’t worry about the difference yet. Pick Basic, since the code in this tutorial does not depend on any Python modules besides the built-in ones.

Next, you’ll be asked if you want to write a simple script or a long-running daemon:


Select Simple, since the tutorial’s example script will just create a window and then exit.

Next, a save panel opens. Give your script a name, and it will be opened in your editor.

The script will be filled with a working example.

Continue to the next section, Example Script.

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