WARNING: This document is for an older version of iTerm2.
A badge is a large text label that appears in the top right of a terminal session to provide dynamic status, such as the current host name or git branch. Its initial value is defined in Settings>Profiles>General>Badge and it can be changed by an iTerm2-proprietary escape sequence. This value is an interpolated string, which means the badge can expose it can display the value of variables.
Here is an example of a session with a badge indicating the current user and host name.
Escape Sequences
The badge may be set with the following control sequence:
OSC 1337 ; SetBadgeFormat=Base-64 encoded badge format ST
Here's an example that works in bash:
# Set badge to show the current session name and git branch, if any is set. printf "\e]1337;SetBadgeFormat=%s\a" \ $(echo -n "\( \(user.gitBranch)" | base64)
The badge's color may be set in Settings>Profiles>Colors. The font and size can be adjusted by selecting Settings>Profiles>General>Edit… next to the Badge field.