This sets the transparency of the window background. It can be temporarily disabled with View > Use Transparency.
Keep background colors opaque
If selected, non-default background colors will be opaque.
If selected, the window background is blurred provided the background has some transparency. Selecting a large radius will blur the background more, but (especially on Retina displays) comes with a performance penalty.
When creating a new window with this profile, it will be created with this many rows and columns.
Hide after opening
If enabled, a window created with this profile will immediately miniaturize after its creation.
Open Toolbelt
If enabled, a window created with this profile will feature an open toolbelt.
Custom window title
New windows created with this profile will use this title by default, overriding the default behavior of using the current tab's title as the window's title.
Force this profile to always open in a new window, never in a tab.
If you ask for a new tab with this profile, it will just open in a window instead. This is for people who hate tabs.
Use Transparency
Sets whether the transparency setting is respected for new windows created with this profile. It can then be toggled with View > Use Transparency.
Background Image
This allows you to select an image to display behind the terminal's text.
This allows you to select how the image is scaled to fit the window:
- Stretch - The image is distorted to exactly fill the window.
- Tile - The image is not scaled. It is tessellated.
- Scale to Fill - The image is scaled up or down preserving the aspect ratio so that it completely fills the window. Parts of the image may be cropped out.
- Scale to Fit - The image is scaled to exactly fill the window either horizontally or vertically. Its aspect raio is preserved. Letterboxes or pillarboxes may be added.
See also: Preferences > Appearance > Panes > Separate background images per pane.
The blending slider determines how strongly the image dominates over the text's background color.
This defines the window style.
- Normal - A regular window with a title bar.
- Full Screen - A full screen window. See Preferences>General>Window>Native full screen windows.
- No title bar - A window without a title bar. It is hard to move but is as minimal as can be.
- Full-width bottom/left/top/right of screen - A window that fills the display edge-to-edge along one dimension and is stuck to one edge of the screen. The rows or columns setting will be disregarded.
- Bottom/left/top/right of screen - A window that is stuck to one edge of the screen.
If you have more than one screen connected, this lets you select the screen on which a new window should open. It is particularly useful for fullscreen and top-of-screen window styles. The Screen with Cursor option affects the initial screen of the window, but it won't follow your cursor from screen to screen.
If you have enabled Spaces (or your OS uses Desktops instead of spaces) and have set Spaces/Mission Control to use Control+Number to switch spaces/desktops, then you can use this setting to select the initial space/desktop to open a new window using this profile.