Provides interfaces for getting and changing preferences (excluding per-profile preferences; see the profile submodule for that)
- class PreferenceKey(value)¶
Keys identifying particular preference settings.
- ACTIONS = 'Actions'¶
Array of dictionaries defining actions.
- ADJUST_WINDOW_FOR_FONT_SIZE_CHANGE = 'AdjustWindowForFontSizeChange'¶
Change window size when font size changes? Takes a boolean.
- APPS_MAY_ACCESS_PASTEBOARD = 'AllowClipboardAccess'¶
Allow terminal apps to access the pasteboard? Takes a boolean.
- AUTO_COMMAND_HISTORY = 'AutoCommandHistory'¶
Enable autocomplete with command history? Takes a boolean.
- AUTO_HIDE_TMUX_CLIENT_SESSION = 'AutoHideTmuxClientSession'¶
Automatically bury the tmux client session? Takes a boolean.
- BRACKETED_PASTE_MODE = 'BracketedPasteMode'¶
Allow bracketed paste mode when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
Remap control key. Takes an integer. 1=Control, 2=Left option, 3=Right option, 7=Left Cmd, 8=Right Cmd.
- CONVERT_DOS_NEWLINES = 'ConvertDosNewlines'¶
Convert DOS newlines to Unix when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
- CONVERT_UNICODE_PUNCTUATION = 'ConvertUnicodePunctuation'¶
Convert unicode punctuation to ascii when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
Copy to pasteboard on selection? Takes a boolean.
If LOAD_PREFS_FROM_CUSTOM_FOLDER, gives the folder or URL to load prefs from. Takes a string.
- DEFAULT_TOOLBELT_WIDTH = 'Default Toolbelt Width'¶
Width of toolbelt by default. Takes a nonnegative integer.
- DIM_BACKGROUND_WINDOWS = 'DimBackgroundWindows'¶
Dim inactive windows? Takes a boolean.
- DIM_INACTIVE_SPLIT_PANES = 'DimInactiveSplitPanes'¶
Dim inactive split panes? Takes a boolean.
- DIM_ONLY_TEXT = 'DimOnlyText'¶
Dim only text when indicating inactive sessions? Takes a boolean.
- DISABLE_FULLSCREEN_TRANSPARENCY = 'DisableFullscreenTransparency'¶
Disable transparency for full screen windows? Takes a boolean.
- DISABLE_METAL_WHEN_UNPLUGGED = 'disableMetalWhenUnplugged'¶
Disable the GPU renderer when not connected to power? Takes a boolean.
- DISABLE_TRANSPARENCY_FOR_KEY_WINDOW = 'DisableTransparencyForKeyWindow'¶
Force key window to be opaque?
- DOUBLE_CLICK_PERFORMS_SMART_SELECTION = 'DoubleClickPerformsSmartSelection'¶
Double click performs smart selection? Takes a boolean.
Show a border around windows? Takes a boolean.
- EMULATE_US_KEYBOARD = 'UseVirtualKeyCodesForDetectingDigits'¶
Emulate US keyboard for the purposes of switching tabs/panes/windows by keyboard? Takes a boolean.
- ENABLE_BONJOUR_DISCOVERY = 'EnableRendezvous'¶
Discover hosts with bonjour? Takes a boolean.
- ENABLE_DIVISION_VIEW = 'EnableDivisionView'¶
Draw a line under the tab bar? Takes a boolean.
- ENABLE_PROXY_ICON = 'EnableProxyIcon'¶
Show proxy icon in title bar? Takes a boolean.
- ENABLE_SEMANTIC_HISTORY = 'CommandSelection'¶
Enable semantic history? Takes a boolean.
Enable smart window placement? Takes a boolean.
- ESCAPE_SHELL_CHARS_WITH_BACKSLASH = 'EscapeShellCharsWithBackslash'¶
Escape shell characters with backslash when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
- FLASH_TAB_BAR_IN_FULLSCREEN = 'FlashTabBarInFullscreen'¶
Flash tab bar in full screen? Takes a boolean.
- FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE = 'FocusFollowsMouse'¶
Focus follows mouse? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_FROM_DOCK_AND_APP_SWITCHER = 'HideFromDockAndAppSwitcher'¶
Exclude iTerm2 from dock and app switcher? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_MENU_BAR_IN_FULLSCREEN = 'HideMenuBarInFullscreen'¶
Hide menu bar when in full screen? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_SCROLLBAR = 'HideScrollbar'¶
Hide scroll bars? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_TAB_ACTIVITY_INDICATOR = 'HideActivityIndicator'¶
Hide the tab activity indicator? Takes a boolean.
Hide tab bar when there is only one tab? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_TAB_CLOSE_BUTTON = 'HideTabCloseButton'¶
Hide the tab close button? Takes a boolean.
- HIDE_TAB_NUMBER = 'HideTabNumber'¶
Hide the tab number? Takes a boolean.
Support basic HTML tags in tab titles
Include trailing newline when copying to pasteboard? Takes a boolean.
Memory (in megabytes) to use per session for instant replay. Takes a floating point value.
- ITERM_VERSION = 'iTerm Version'¶
Last-used iTerm2 version. Do not set this. Takes a string.
Remap left cmd key. Takes an integer. 1=Control, 2=Left option, 3=Right option, 7=Left Cmd, 8=Right Cmd.
Remap left option key. Takes an integer. 1=Control, 2=Left option, 3=Right option, 7=Left Cmd, 8=Right Cmd.
- LEFT_TAB_BAR_WIDTH = 'LeftTabBarWidth'¶
Width of left-side tab bar. Takes a floating point value.
- LOAD_PREFS_FROM_CUSTOM_FOLDER = 'LoadPrefsFromCustomFolder'¶
Load prefs from a custom folder? Takes a boolean.
- MAXIMIZE_THROUGHPUT = 'metalMaximizeThroughput'¶
Maximize throughput vs framerate? Takes a boolean.
- MAX_VERTICALLY = 'MaxVertically'¶
When maximizing a window, grow it only vertically? Takes a boolean.
- METAL_MAXIMIZE_THROUGHPUT = 'metalMaximizeThroughput'¶
Deprecated. Use MAXIMIZE_THROUGHPUT (which is identical besides the name) instead.
- NATIVE_FULL_SCREEN_WINDOWS = 'UseLionStyleFullscreen'¶
Use native full screen window? Takes a boolean.
- NUMBER_OF_SPACES_PER_TAB = 'NumberOfSpacesPerTab'¶
Default number of spaces per tab when converting tabs when pasting. Takes a positive integer.
- ONLY_WHEN_MORE_TABS = 'OnlyWhenMoreTabs'¶
Confirm close window when there are multiple tabs? Takes a boolean.
Open default arrangement at startup? Mutually exclusive with OPEN_PROFILES_WINDOW_AT_START and RESTORE_ONLY_HOTKEY_AT_START. Takes a boolean.
Open the profiles window at startup? Mutually exclusive with OPEN_DEFAULT_ARRANGEMENT_AT_START and RESTORE_ONLY_HOTKEY_AT_START. Takes a boolean.
- OPEN_TMUX_WINDOWS_IN = 'OpenTmuxWindowsIn'¶
Specifies how to open tmux windows. Takes an integer. 0=native windows, 1=new window, 2=tabs in existing window.
- OPTION_CLICK_MOVES_CURSOR = 'OptionClickMovesCursor'¶
Opt-click moves cursor? Takes a boolean.
- PASS_ON_CONTROL_CLICK = 'PassOnControlClick'¶
Pass control-click to mouse reporting? Takes a boolean.
- PASTE_SPECIAL_CHUNK_DELAY = 'PasteSpecialChunkDelay'¶
Default delay between paste chunks. Takes a floating point number.
- PASTE_SPECIAL_CHUNK_SIZE = 'PasteSpecialChunkSize'¶
Default paste chunk size. Takes a positive integer.
- PASTE_SPECIAL_REGEX = 'PasteSpecialRegex'¶
Regex pattern to use for substitution when using advanced paste? Takes a string.
- PASTE_SPECIAL_SUBSTITUTION = 'PasteSpecialSubstitution'¶
Value to use for regex substitution when using advanced paste? Takes a string.
- PASTE_SPECIAL_USE_REGEX_SUBSTITUTION = 'PasteSpecialUseRegexSubstitution'¶
Enable regex substitution when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
- PASTE_TAB_TO_STRING_TAB_STOP_SIZE = 'PasteTabToStringTabStopSize'¶
When converting tabs to spaces, how many spaces to use? Takes a nonnegative integer.
- PER_PANE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = 'PerPaneBackgroundImage'¶
Should each split pane have a separate bg image, or one for the whole window? Takes a boolean.
- PER_PANE_STATUS_BAR = 'SeparateStatusBarsPerPane'¶
Should each split pane have a separate status bar, or just one for the whole window? Takes a boolean.
- PREFER_INTEGRATED_GPU = 'preferIntegratedGPU'¶
Prefer the integrated GPU over discrete, if available? Takes a boolean.
Keep window size the same when tabbar shows/hides? Takes a boolean.
- PROMPT_ON_QUIT = 'PromptOnQuit'¶
Prompt before quitting? Takes a boolean.
- QUIT_WHEN_ALL_WINDOWS_CLOSED = 'QuitWhenAllWindowsClosed'¶
Quit automatically when all terminal windows are closed? Takes a boolean.
- REMOVE_CONTROL_CODES = 'RemoveControlCodes'¶
Remove control codes when using advanced paste? Takes a boolean.
- RESTORE_ONLY_HOTKEY_AT_START = 'OpenNoWindowsAtStartup'¶
Restore only hotkey window at startup? Mutually exclusive with OPEN_PROFILES_WINDOW_AT_START and OPEN_DEFAULT_ARRANGEMENT_AT_START. Takes a boolean.
Remap right cmd key. Takes an integer. 1=Control, 2=Left option, 3=Right option, 7=Left Cmd, 8=Right Cmd.
Remap right option key. Takes an integer. 1=Control, 2=Left option, 3=Right option, 7=Left Cmd, 8=Right Cmd.
- SAVE_PASTE_HISTORY = 'SavePasteHistory'¶
Should paste and command history be saved to disk? Takes a boolean.
- SHOW_FULL_SCREEN_TAB_BAR = 'ShowFullScreenTabBar'¶
Show tab bar in full screen? Takes a boolean.
- SHOW_PANE_TITLES = 'ShowPaneTitles'¶
Show a per-pane title bar? Takes a boolean.
- SHOW_TAB_NEW_OUTPUT_INDICATOR = 'ShowNewOutputIndicator'¶
Show a “new output” indicator in tabs? Takes a boolean.
- SIZE_CHANGES_AFFECT_PROFILE = 'Size Changes Affect Profile'¶
Automatically check for new versions of iTerm2? Takes a boolean.
Check for beta versions for auto update? Takes a boolean.
- SPLIT_PANE_DIMMING_AMOUNT = 'SplitPaneDimmingAmount'¶
How much to dim inactive split panes or inactive windows. Takes a floating point value in [0,1]
- STATUS_BAR_POSITION = 'StatusBarPosition'¶
Where does the status bar go? Takes an integer. 0=top, 1=bottom.
- STRETCH_TABS_TO_FILL_BAR = 'StretchTabsToFillBar'¶
Stretch tabs horizontally to fill the tab bar? Takes a boolean.
- SWITCH_PANE_MODIFIER = 'SwitchPaneModifier'¶
Modifiers to switch split pane with number. Takes an integer. 3=Cmd, 6=Cmd+Option, 5=Option, 9=Disable switching.
- SWITCH_TAB_MODIFIER = 'SwitchTabModifier'¶
Modifiers to switch tab by number. Takes an integer. 3=Cmd, 6=Cmd+Option, 5=Option, 9=Disable switching.
- SWITCH_WINDOW_MODIFIER = 'SwitchWindowModifier'¶
Modifiers to switch window with number. Takes an integer. 3=Cmd, 6=Cmd+Option, 5=Option, 9=Disable switching.
- TAB_TRANSFORM = 'TabTransform'¶
How to ransform tabs to space by default when pasting Takes an integer. 0=No transformation, 1=Convert to spaces, 2=Escape with C-V
- TAP_BAR_POSTIION = 'TabViewType'¶
Where the tab bar should be placed. Takes an integer. 0=Top, 1=Bottom, 2=Left.
- TEXT_SIZE_CHANGES_AFFECT_PROFILE = 'Size Changes Affect Profile'¶
Does increasing/decreasing text size update the backing profile? Takes a boolean.
- THEME = 'TabStyleWithAutomaticOption'¶
Theme. Takes an integer. 0 = Light, 1 = Dark, 2 = Light high contrast, 3 = Dark high contrast, 4 = Automatic (10.14+), 5 = Minimal (10.14+).
- THREE_FINGER_EMULATES = 'ThreeFingerEmulates'¶
Three-finger tap emulates middle click? Takes a boolean.
- TMUX_DASHBOARD_LIMIT = 'TmuxDashboardLimit'¶
Open tmux dashboard if there are more than this many windows. Takes an integer.
- TRIPLE_CLICK_SELECTS_FULL_WRAPPED_LINES = 'TripleClickSelectsFullWrappedLines'¶
Triple click selects full wrapped lines? Takes a boolean.
- USE_METAL = 'UseMetal'¶
Use the GPU renderer? Takes a boolean.
- USE_TMUX_PROFILE = 'TmuxUsesDedicatedProfile'¶
Use dedicated tmux profile. Takes a boolean.
- WINDOW_NUMBER = 'WindowNumber'¶
Show window number in title bar? Takes a boolean.
- WORD_CHARACTERS = 'WordCharacters'¶
Characters considered part of a word for selection. Takes a string.
- async async_get_preference(connection, key: iterm2.preferences.PreferenceKey) → Union[None, Any]¶
Gets a preference by key.
- Parameters
key (
) – The preference key, from the PreferenceKey enum.- Returns
An object with the preferences value, or None if unset and no default exists.
- async async_set_preference(connection, key: Union[iterm2.preferences.PreferenceKey, str], value: Union[None, Any]) → None¶
Set a preference by key.
- Parameters
key – The preference key, either from the PreferenceKey enum or a string. Note that older versions of the API expect a str here. You may want to use the PreferenceKey’s value for backward compatibility.
value – An object with the preference value, or None to unset.