Show Status Bar Only in Full Screen Windows¶
This script automatically shows or hides the status bar depending on the window’s style. Full screen windows get a status bar, and regular windows do not. It demonstrates a few concepts:
Watching for window style changes.
Performing an action on all windows, including those not yet created.
Using asyncio to run multiple tasks concurrently.
Changing a profile setting in a session without updating the underlying profile.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import asyncio
import iterm2
async def main(connection):
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
async def set_show_status_bar(w, show):
"""Show or hide the status bar for one window by updating the profiles
of all sessions in that window."""
change = iterm2.LocalWriteOnlyProfile()
tasks = []
for tab in w.tabs:
for session in tab.sessions:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def update():
"""Update whether the status bar is shown for all sessions in all windows."""
tasks = []
for w in app.terminal_windows:
style = await w.async_get_variable("style")
if style == "non-native full screen" or style == "native full screen":
tasks.append(set_show_status_bar(w, True))
tasks.append(set_show_status_bar(w, False))
if tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def watch_for_style_changes():
"""A task that calls `update` when a window's style changes."""
async with iterm2.VariableMonitor(connection, iterm2.VariableScopes.WINDOW, "style", "all") as mon:
while True:
theme = await mon.async_get()
await update()
async def watch_for_layout_changes():
"""A task that calls `update` when the layout changes (new window
created, session moves from one window to another, etc.)"""
async with iterm2.LayoutChangeMonitor(connection) as mon:
while True:
await mon.async_get()
await update()
# Set status bars for existing windows
await update()
# Monitor changes to styles in windows.
# Monitor for new windows or sessions moving from one window to another.